
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Total number of legislators: 5585

Name Date of Birth Number of Sessions Served
Session Years
Chittenden, Clyde C. 08/19/1860 1 1895 - 1896 (Senate)
Eaton, Edwin 11/06/1848 1 1895 - 1896 (Senate)
Gaige, Joseph Moss 06/13/1848 1 1895 - 1896 (Senate)
Janes, Oscar Albartus 07/06/1843 1 1895 - 1896 (Senate)
Johnson, Ransom C. 07/12/1849 1 1895 - 1896 (Senate)
Keeler, Miner S. 10/18/1862 1 1895 - 1896 (Senate)
Martin, Chester William 08/11/1853 1 1895 - 1896 (Senate)
Shaw, Edwin O. 07/21/1846 1 1895 - 1896 (Senate)
Townsend, Emory 10/18/1858 1 1895 - 1896 (Senate)
VanHusen, Caleb 03/13/1815 1 1844 - 1844 (House)

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