Total number of legislators: 5573
Date of Birth | Number of Sessions Served | Session Years |
Collins, Barbara-Rose | 04/13/1939 | 4 |
1975 - 1976 (House) 1977 - 1978 (House) 1979 - 1980 (House) 1981 - 1982 (House) |
Collingwood, Charles Barnard | 05/01/1860 | 1 | 1899 - 1900 (Senate) |
Collier, Victory Phelps | 04/25/1820 | 2 |
1865 - 1866 (Senate) 1867 - 1868 (Senate) |
Colgrove, Philip T. | 04/17/1858 | 1 | 1889 - 1890 (Senate) |
Coleman, Sheldon | 05/04/1870 | 2 |
1927 - 1928 (House) 1929 - 1930 (House) |
Coleman, Kevin | 06/30/1983 | 3 |
2019 - 2020 (House) 2021 - 2022 (House) 2023 - 2024 (House) |
Coleman, Henry | 01/01/1807 | 1 | 1840 - 1840 (House) |
Coleman, Hammond J. | 11/05/1855 | 2 |
1919 - 1920 (House) 1921 - 1922 (House) |
Coleman, George | 09/07/1833 | 2 |
1883 - 1884 (House) 1885 - 1886 (House) |
Coleman, Creighton R. | 02/17/1912 | 4 |
1949 - 1950 (Senate) 1951 - 1952 (Senate) 1953 - 1954 (Senate) 1955 - 1956 (Senate) |
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