Total number of legislators: 5573
Date of Birth | Number of Sessions Served | Session Years |
Begick, Paul | 02/19/1892 | 2 |
1939 - 1940 (House) 1941 - 1942 (House) |
Begick, Lester O. | 02/17/1926 | 2 |
1961 - 1962 (House) 1963 - 1964 (Senate) |
Begick, Adolph | 02/24/1898 | 1 | 1943 - 1944 (House) |
Beeson, William B. | 01/01/1809 | 1 | 1859 - 1860 (House) |
Beeson, Jesse G. | 12/10/1807 | 1 | 1853 - 1854 (Senate) |
Beers, Philo | 02/08/1801 | 2 |
1850 - 1850 (House) 1859 - 1860 (House) |
Beers, John S. | 07/01/1846 | 1 | 1891 - 1892 (Senate) |
Beeman, Alonzo P. | 02/06/1841 | 2 |
1907 - 1908 (House) 1909 - 1910 (House) |
Beeler, Andrew | 08/26/1992 | 2 |
2021 - 2022 (House) 2023 - 2024 (House) |
Beekman, Benjamin F. | 04/21/1847 | 1 | 1885 - 1886 (House) |
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