Legislator Details
Number of sessions served 18
Gender: Male
Age at election: 36
Vital Records Information:
Date: 11/17/1930
City: Birmingham, AL
Country: US
Date: 9/13/2006
City: Detroit, MI
County: Wayne County, MI
Type of Burial:
Marital Information:
Never married
Number of Children: 0
Religion: Baptist
Military Service:
Occupation: teacher
Race: African American or Negro or Black
BA, Hillsdale (Michigan) College, 1952;
MA, Oberlin (Ohio) College;
LittB, Oxford University;
LLD (hon.), Marygrove College, Detroit;
LLD (hon.), Shaw College, Detroit;
HHD (hon.), Highland Park (Michigan) Community College
Biographical Sketch:
He was a teacher at University Detroit, Wayne State University, Detroit, 1963-64; recipient Frank J. Wieting Memorial Service award, 1977, Focus and Impact award Cotillion Club, 1980, Outstanding Achievement award Booker T. Washington Business Association, Outstanding Community Service award Charles Stewart Mott Community College and Urban Coalition of Greater Flint, Michigan, 1981; named Outstanding State Senator of Year, Detroit Urban League Guild, 1983, Most Outstanding Legislator of Year, Washburn-Ilene Block Club, 1983, numerous others. Past president Michigan Young Dems.; chairman Michigan Dr. Martin Luther King Junior Holiday commission; executive board directors Detroit National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Member Am. Oxonian Association, Fulbright Alumni Association.
Suffered a stroke in Augusof 2000 and never returned to active service in his Senate seat, though he had not officially left office.
Funeral services held at Hartford Avenue Baptist Church in Detroit.
Notable Facts:
1st African American President Pro-Tempore of the Senate. Assistant president pro tempore, 1978-82, president pro tempore, 1982-86, associate president pro tempore, 1986—?. Senate Committees: Appropriation(Community College; Dept. of Ed.; State Police and Military Affairs; Judiciary); Families, Mental Helath and Human Services.
Fulbright fellow.
Created the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday. Also championed the vote for those 18-years of age before it was enacted by Congress and urged constitutional changes to allow 18 year olds to run for any state office. He was an early opponent of the Vietnam War, supported legislation liberalizing marijuana laws and supported abortion rights.
SCR 56, 2006, House Journal, p. 2512, reported that he had died. No date or place of death.
Sessions Served:
Committees Served On: Appropriations Subcommittee on Community Colleges, Appropriations Subcommittee on Department of Education, Appropriations Subcommittee on Judiciary, Appropriations Subcommittee on State Police and Military Affairs, Families, Mental Health and Human Services
Postions Held: Assistant President Pro Tempore
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
District Description: Part of the city of Detroit [see map in Manual p.177] in Wayne County
Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
Committees Served On: Banking and Financial Institutions , Gaming and Casino Oversight , Senior Citizens and Veterans Affairs
Postions Held: Associate President Pro Tempore , Associate President Pro Tempore
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
District Description: Part of the city of Detroit [see map in Manual p.176] in Wayne County
Reason for Leaving Office: Term Limited
End of Term Status: Departed
Committees Served On: Appropriations , Appropriations Subcommittee on Community Colleges, Appropriations Subcommittee on Corrections, Appropriations Subcommittee on State Police and Military Affairs
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
District Description: Part of the city of Detroit [see map in Manual p.175] in Wayne County
Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Re-elected
Committees Served On: Appropriations , Appropriations Subcommittee on Community Colleges, Appropriations Subcommittee on Corrections, Appropriations Subcommittee on State Police and Military Affairs
Postions Held: Assistant President Pro Tempore
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
District Description: Part of the city of Detroit [see map in Manual p.175] in Wayne County
Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
Committees Served On: Appropriations , Appropriations Subcommittee on Community Colleges, Appropriations Subcommittee on Corrections, Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
Committees Served On: Appropriations , Appropriations Subcommittee on Community Colleges, Appropriations Subcommittee on Corrections, Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
District Description: City of Detroit pt. tracts 5076-5080, 5301-5321, 5341-5352, 5355, 5361-5372, 5381-5391 and 5394 in Wayne County
Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Re-elected
Committees Served On: Appropriations , Appropriations Subcommittee on Community Colleges, Appropriations Subcommittee on Corrections, Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
District Description: City of Detroit pt. tracts 5076-5080, 5301-5321, 5341-5352, 5355, 5361-5372, 5381-5391 and 5394 (that part which lies within a line beginning at Meyers and Eight MIle, east on Eight Mile to Chrysler Freeway, south to McNichols, west to northwest corner of Highland Park City limits, south on city limits southwest corner of Highland Park City limits and Lodge Freeway, south on Lodge Freeway to Clairmount, west to Linwood, north to Joy Rd., west to Jeffries Freeway, northwest to Livernois, south to Tireman, west on Tireman and Detroit City limits to Greenfield, north to Joy Rd., east to Pennsylvania Railroad, north to Grand River, northwest to Ardmore, north to McNichols, east to Jas. Couzens, northwest to Seven Mile, east to Meyers, north on Meyers to Eight Mile the point of beginning.)
Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Re-elected
Committees Served On: Appropriations , Appropriations Subcommittee on Community Colleges, Appropriations Subcommittee on Corrections, Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education
Postions Held: Assistant President Pro Tempore
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
District Description: City of Detroit pt. tracts 5076-5080, 5301-5321, 5341-5352, 5355, 5361-5372, 5381-5391 and 5394 (that part which lies within a line beginning at Meyers and Eight Mile, east on Eight Mile to Chrysler Freeway, south to McNichols, west to northwest corner of Highland Park City limits, south on city limits southwest corner of Highland Park City limits and Lodge Freeway, south on Lodge Freeway to Clairmount, west to Linwood, north to Joy Rd., west to Jeffries Freeway, northwest to Livernois, south to Tireman, west on Tireman and Detroit City limits to Greenfield, north to Joy Rd., east to Pennsylvania Railroad, north to Grand River, northwest to Ardmore, north to McNichols, east to Jas. Couzens, northwest to Seven Mile, east to Meyers, north on Meyers to Eight Mile the point of beginning.)
Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Re-elected
Notes: 87-88: Associate President Pro Tempore of the Michigan Senate; Member of the Appropriations Subcommittees on: Community Colleges; Corrections; and Higher Education.
Committees Served On: Appropriations & Retirement, Health & Social Services
Postions Held: President Pro Tempore
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
District Description: City of Detroit pt. tracts 5076-5080, 5301-5321, 5341-5352, 5355, 5361-5372, 5381-5391 and 5394 [see Manual p.363 for detail] in Wayne County
Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
Notes: Vice-Chair of the Committee on Health & Social Services
Committees Served On: Appropriations & Retirement, Higher Education and Technology
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
District Description: Part of the city of Detroit [see detail in Manual p.388]
Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
Committees Served On: Appropriations Subcommittee on Community Colleges, Health & Social Services
Postions Held: Assistant President Pro Tempore
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
District Description: City of Detroit tracts 11-17, 51 (blocks 208, 209, 301, 302, 304), 52-63, 64 (blocks 107-125), 69-109, 110 (block 108), 111 (blocks 101-206), 112-123, 155-169, 176.03-179, 201 (blocks 101-307, 504-610), 202 (blocks 101-107, 203-305), 211 (blocks 101-105), 212 (blocks 101-207), 213 (blocks 101-108), 251 (blocks 105-204, 303-404) in Wayne COunty
Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
Notes: Elected to replace Arthur Cartright who had resigned in May of 1978.
Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Community Colleges
Committees Served On: Appropriations Subcommittee on Community Colleges, Health & Social Services
Postions Held: Assistant President Pro Tempore
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
District Description: City of Detroit tracts 11-17, 51 (blocks 208, 209, 301, 302, 304), 52-63, 64 (blocks 107-125), 69-109, 110 (block 108), 111 (blocks 101-206), 112-123, 155-169, 176.03-179, 201 (blocks 101-307, 504-610), 202 (blocks 101-107, 203-305), 211 (blocks 101-105), 212 (blocks 101-207), 213 (blocks 101-108), 251 (blocks 105-204, 303-404) in Wayne County
Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Re-elected
Notes: Chair of the Appropriation Subcommittee on Community Colleges
Committees Served On: Colleges and Universities , Constitutional Revision & Women's Rights, Education , Judiciary , Public Health
Postions Held: Majority Assistant Caucus Chairperson
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
District Description: City of Detroit tracts 10 (Blocks 101-6), 11 (Less: Blocks 201-7), 12 (Less: Block 306), 13, 15-20, 21 (Less: Block 105), 27 (Block 304), 39 (Blocks 101-4), 40 (Less: Blocks 205-7, 301), 41 (Blocks 101-2, 207-9, 301-2), 43, 116, 117 (Blocks 102-5, 108-9, 201-6), 118
(Less: Blocks 103-4), 119-22, 151-8, l59 (Blocks 101-5, 402-5), 160 (Less: Block 101), 162 (Less: Blocks 101-7, 201, 301-5, 307), 180 (Blocks 307-9), 187 (Blocks 106-9) in Wayne County
Reason for Leaving Office: See Notes
End of Term Status: Departed
Notes: Elected to the Senate 9/6/1978 to replace Arthur Cartwright who had resigned in May of 1978.
Chair of the Committee on Colleges and Universities; Vice-Chair of the Committee on Judiciary
Committees Served On: Colleges and Universities , Constitutional Revision & Women's Rights, Education , Judiciary , Public Health
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
District Description: City of Detroit tracts 10 (Blocks 101-6), 11 (Less: Blocks 201-7), 12 (Less: Block 306), 13, 15-20, 21 (Less: Block 105), 27 (Block 304), 39 (Blocks 101-4), 40 (Less: Blocks 205-7, 301), 41 (Blocks 101-2, 207-9, 301-2), 43, 116, 117 (Blocks 102-5, 108-9, 201-6), 118
(Less: Blocks 103-4), 119-22, 151-8, l59 (Blocks 101-5, 402-5), 160 (Less: Block 101), 162 (Less: Blocks 101-7, 201, 301-5, 307), 180 (Blocks 307-9), 187 (Blocks 106-9) in Wayne County
Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Re-elected
Notes: Chair: Colleges and Universities. Vice-Chair: Judiciary
Committees Served On: Colleges and Universities , Education , Judiciary , Youth and Student Participation
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Re-elected
Notes: Chair of the Committee on Youth and Student Participation; Member, Interstate Cooperation Commission
Committees Served On: Colleges and Universities , Education , Revision & Amendment of the Constitution , Youth and Student Participation
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
District Description: County of Wayne (part).
Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Re-elected
Notes: Chair of the Committee on Youth and Student Participation
Member of the Interstate Cooperation Commission
Committees Served On: City Corporations , Colleges and Universities , Education , Revision & Amendment of the Constitution , Taxation
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Re-elected
Notes: Chair of the Committee on City Corporations
Committees Served On: Colleges and Universities , Towns and Counties , Youth
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
District Description: Part of the city of Detroit in Wayne County
Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Re-elected
Notes: First elected to the House in 1966
WWAM52nd; Gongwer 9/13/2006; Manual 1987 p.134; Manual 1999 p.177; Manual 1971; 1988 Michigan Legislative Handbook p.19;