Members of Thirty-Sixth Legislature, 1891-1892

Total number of legislators: 132

Name Date of Birth Number of Sessions Served
Session Years
Shull, John Diehl 10/25/1844 1 1891 - 1892 (House)
Beers, John S. 07/01/1846 1 1891 - 1892 (Senate)
Benson, John Roger 06/05/1837 1 1891 - 1892 (Senate)
Boughner, Charles Bartolette 02/14/1825 1 1891 - 1892 (Senate)
Baker, Lewis Cass 02/18/1844 1 1891 - 1892 (House)
Baldwin, Levi William 03/29/1836 1 1891 - 1892 (House)
Blake, William A. 04/15/1832 1 1891 - 1892 (House)
Botsford, Philip V. M. 10/01/1839 1 1891 - 1892 (House)
Bowen, Casper L. 06/17/1850 1 1891 - 1892 (House)
Bullock, Frederick G. 12/16/1841 1 1891 - 1892 (House)

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