Total number of legislators: 5574
Date of Birth | Number of Sessions Served | Session Years |
Kaminski, Joseph Lawrence | 11/02/1902 | 3 |
1935 - 1936 (House) 1937 - 1938 (House) 1939 - 1940 (House) |
Kalmbach, John | 09/30/1861 | 1 | 1911 - 1912 (House) |
Kallander, Martin Edward | 09/28/1852 | 1 | 1887 - 1888 (House) |
Kahn, Roger N. | 01/28/1945 | 5 |
2005 - 2006 (House) 2007 - 2008 (Senate) 2009 - 2010 (Senate) 2011 - 2012 (Senate) 2013 - 2014 (Senate) |
Kahle, Bronna | 06/23/1968 | 3 |
2017 - 2018 (House) 2019 - 2020 (House) 2021 - 2022 (House) |
Jurkiewicz, Leonard A. | 02/15/1899 | 2 |
1933 - 1934 (House) 1935 - 1936 (House) |
Julian, Larry | 08/16/1949 | 3 |
1999 - 2000 (House) 2001 - 2002 (House) 2003 - 2004 (House) |
Judson, Ephraim | 09/25/1866 | 1 | 1933 - 1934 (House) |
Judd, George E. | 03/23/1838 | 1 | 1889 - 1890 (House) |
Judd, Ethel | 04/27/1807 | 2 |
1855 - 1856 (House) 1857 - 1858 (House) |
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