
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Total number of legislators: 5585

Date of Birth Number of Sessions Served Session Years
Gittins, Clarence Elmore 09/21/1884 1 1913 - 1914 (Senate)
Glanville, Carol 11/09/1970 3 2021 - 2022 (House)
2023 - 2024 (House)
2025 - 2026 (House)
Glardon, Ben 11/13/1954 3 2011 - 2012 (House)
2013 - 2014 (House)
2015 - 2016 (House)
Glasgow, Cassius Lee 02/16/1859 2 1903 - 1904 (Senate)
1905 - 1906 (Senate)
Glasner, Henry Charles 09/23/1872 3 1911 - 1912 (House)
1913 - 1914 (House)
1933 - 1934 (Senate)
Glaspie, Andrew Bird 11/21/1876 4 1917 - 1918 (House)
1919 - 1920 (House)
1921 - 1922 (House)
1923 - 1924 (Senate)
Glass, Harry 06/15/1910 2 1935 - 1936 (House)
1937 - 1938 (House)
Glavin, John Maurice 03/25/1833 1 1867 - 1868 (House)
Glazier, Frank Porter 03/08/1862 1 1903 - 1904 (Senate)
Gleason, Daniel G. 09/26/1824 2 1883 - 1884 (House)
1885 - 1886 (House)

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