Total number of legislators: 5573
Date of Birth | Number of Sessions Served | Session Years |
Burleson, Edward G. | 08/03/1897 | 2 |
1931 - 1932 (House) 1933 - 1934 (House) |
Burleigh, John L. | 10/15/1842 | 1 | 1877 - 1878 (Senate) |
Burkhalter, Larry E. | 12/13/1950 | 2 |
1977 - 1978 (House) 1979 - 1980 (House) |
Burke, William | 01/01/1789 | 2 |
1837 - 1837 (House) 1838 - 1838 (House) |
Burke, Thomas | 06/25/1888 | 1 | 1937 - 1938 (Senate) |
Burke, Francis Xavier | 10/23/1862 | 1 | 1913 - 1914 (House) |
Burk, Andrew L. | 09/06/1810 | 1 | 1849 - 1849 (House) |
Burhans, Earl L. | 04/12/1884 | 5 |
1931 - 1932 (House) 1933 - 1934 (House) 1937 - 1938 (Senate) 1939 - 1940 (Senate) 1941 - 1942 (Senate) |
Burfoot, Edmund | 05/04/1858 | 1 | 1899 - 1900 (House) |
Burdick, Noah Whittier | 09/06/1855 | 3 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1907 - 1908 (House) 1909 - 1910 (House) |
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