Members of Thirty-First Legislature, 1881-1882

Total number of legislators: 133

Name Date of Birth Number of Sessions Served
Session Years
Perham, John B. 10/15/1835 2 1881 - 1882 (House)
1883 - 1884 (House)
Rose, William H. 07/24/1844 2 1881 - 1882 (House)
1883 - 1884 (House)
VanLoo, Cornelius 08/07/1838 2 1881 - 1882 (House)
1883 - 1884 (House)
White, James Ezra 04/08/1839 2 1881 - 1882 (House)
1883 - 1884 (House)
Willett, A. Milan 04/18/1829 2 1881 - 1882 (House)
1883 - 1884 (House)
Young, Ambrose P. 05/23/1814 2 1848 - 1848 (House)
1881 - 1882 (House)
Barton, Walter William 06/22/1834 2 1881 - 1882 (House)
1887 - 1888 (Senate)
Farr, George A. 07/27/1842 2 1879 - 1880 (Senate)
1881 - 1882 (Senate)
Patterson, John C. 03/27/1838 2 1879 - 1880 (Senate)
1881 - 1882 (Senate)
Tooker, John S. 07/07/1836 2 1879 - 1880 (Senate)
1881 - 1882 (Senate)

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