
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Total number of legislators: 5585

Name Date of Birth
Number of Sessions Served Session Years
Smith, Newel 05/01/1852 2 1913 - 1914 (House)
1915 - 1916 (House)
Brown, Norris J. 04/21/1852 1 1889 - 1890 (House)
Curtis, Miles S. 04/01/1852 6 1895 - 1896 (House)
1917 - 1918 (House)
1919 - 1920 (House)
1921 - 1922 (House)
1923 - 1924 (House)
1925 - 1926 (House)
Hall, Adney Adelbert 02/27/1852 1 1899 - 1900 (House)
Fox, Aaron O. 02/18/1852 1 1917 - 1918 (House)
Bialy, Mendel J. 02/18/1852 1 1895 - 1896 (Senate)
Miller, George W. 02/10/1852 3 1915 - 1916 (House)
1917 - 1918 (Senate)
1919 - 1920 (Senate)
Hubbard, Collins B. 02/08/1852 1 1881 - 1882 (House)
Fowle, Otto 01/09/1852 2 1909 - 1910 (Senate)
1911 - 1912 (Senate)
Wendell, W[illiam] Worth 01/07/1852 1 1891 - 1892 (House)

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