
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Total number of legislators: 5585

Date of Birth Number of Sessions Served Session Years
Alley, Tom 02/19/1946 10 1979 - 1980 (House)
1981 - 1982 (House)
1983 - 1984 (House)
1985 - 1986 (House)
1987 - 1988 (House)
1989 - 1990 (House)
1991 - 1992 (House)
1993 - 1994 (House)
1995 - 1996 (House)
1997 - 1998 (House)
Allison, Freeman Webb 04/24/1845 1 1897 - 1898 (House)
Allman, William 05/12/1828 2 1857 - 1858 (House)
1877 - 1878 (House)
Allor, Sue 12/31/1954 3 2017 - 2018 (House)
2019 - 2020 (House)
2021 - 2022 (House)
Allswede, William Henry 01/22/1874 1 1913 - 1914 (Senate)
Almy, John 01/01/1798 1 1837 - 1837 (House)
Alvord, Charles H. 10/16/1872 1 1907 - 1908 (House)
Alvord, Henry Jones 06/08/1811 1 1855 - 1856 (Senate)
Alvord, Nathan A. 08/17/1834 2 1881 - 1882 (House)
1883 - 1884 (House)
Alward, Robert 11/12/1844 3 1897 - 1898 (House)
1899 - 1900 (House)
1901 - 1902 (House)

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