Total number of legislators: 132
Name | Date of Birth | Number of Sessions Served | Session Years |
Adams, C[alvin] Spencer | 02/25/1851 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Alward, Robert | 11/12/1844 | 3 |
1897 - 1898 (House) 1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Ames, James W. | 10/12/1864 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Atwood, Theron W. | 01/03/1854 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (Senate) 1901 - 1902 (Senate) |
Baird, John | 02/11/1860 | 4 |
1895 - 1896 (House) 1901 - 1902 (Senate) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) 1905 - 1906 (Senate) |
Ballentine, Silas L. | 11/03/1845 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Bangham, Arthur David | 11/08/1859 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (Senate) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) |
Barnaby, Horace ThomasJr. | 10/24/1870 | 4 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) 1909 - 1910 (Senate) 1911 - 1912 (Senate) |
Baumann, Jacob | 05/08/1860 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Baumgaertner, Leonard | 12/30/1859 | 3 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Bland, Joseph Edward | 05/05/1866 | 3 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1905 - 1906 (House) 1907 - 1908 (Senate) |
Bolton, Earl B. | 02/13/1862 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Bonser, John Edward | 09/28/1859 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Boyd, William | 05/30/1839 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Branch, Norris H. | 01/25/1871 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Burns, David E. | 11/14/1859 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) |
Bushnell, William B. | 02/21/1849 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Byrns, Charles J. | 01/06/1861 | 4 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) 1905 - 1906 (House) 1907 - 1908 (House) |
Campbell, Thomas G. | 06/28/1858 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Cannon, Ellery Channing | 12/28/1842 | 4 |
1885 - 1886 (House) 1887 - 1888 (House) 1901 - 1902 (Senate) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) |
Carton, John Jay | 11/08/1856 | 3 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Chandler, William | 04/27/1846 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Chapman, Ira Gardner | 11/20/1841 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Colby, Sheridan J. | 12/02/1864 | 5 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) 1907 - 1908 (House) 1909 - 1910 (House) |
Combs, John H. | 12/22/1861 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Corwin, Alva H. | 08/07/1855 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Curtis, William L. | 01/29/1842 | 3 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) 1905 - 1906 (Senate) |
Dennis, Orville | 03/28/1873 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Dingley, Edward Nelson | 08/21/1862 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Doherty, Alfred James | 05/01/1856 | 3 |
1901 - 1902 (Senate) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) 1905 - 1906 (Senate) |
Doyle, Michael S. | 02/01/1842 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Dunn, James | 02/18/1861 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Dupont, Charles | 02/12/1844 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Earle, Horatio Sawyer | 02/14/1855 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (Senate) |
Farr, Augustine Washington | 07/29/1847 | 4 |
1877 - 1878 (House) 1901 - 1902 (Senate) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) 1905 - 1906 (Senate) |
Ferry, Dexter MasonJr. | 11/22/1873 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Foster, William J. | 02/11/1839 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
French, Charles B. | 06/13/1852 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Fuller, Oramel Baum | 01/22/1858 | 6 |
1893 - 1894 (House) 1895 - 1896 (House) 1897 - 1898 (House) 1901 - 1902 (Senate) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) 1907 - 1908 (Senate) |
Gee, James L. | 12/19/1851 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Gillette, Joel Hiram | 03/22/1851 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Goodell, Solon | 11/30/1840 | 4 |
1897 - 1898 (House) 1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (Senate) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) |
Goodrich, Lester Adoran | 03/02/1854 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Gordon, John R. | 02/15/1851 | 4 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) 1905 - 1906 (House) 1907 - 1908 (House) |
Hallenbeck, Cornelius A. | 02/01/1839 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Handy, Sherman T. | 04/03/1867 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Hardy, Anson R. | 02/03/1855 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Harley, Charles Isaac | 08/06/1864 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Hastings, Ernest W. | 04/16/1855 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Helme, James W.Jr | 03/03/1860 | 6 |
1899 - 1900 (Senate) 1901 - 1902 (Senate) 1931 - 1932 (House) 1933 - 1934 (House) 1935 - 1936 (House) 1937 - 1938 (House) |
Hemans, Lawton Thomas | 11/04/1864 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Henry, John | 10/05/1856 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
High, Hiram M. | 04/11/1860 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (Senate) |
Holmes, Arthur L. | 06/17/1862 | 3 |
1895 - 1896 (House) 1897 - 1898 (Senate) 1901 - 1902 (Senate) |
Holmes, John Willard | 01/21/1840 | 3 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) 1905 - 1906 (House) |
Humphrey, James W. | 08/19/1846 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (Senate) 1901 - 1902 (Senate) |
Hunt, Fred A. | 05/01/1855 | 3 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) 1905 - 1906 (House) |
Hurst, William A. | 04/08/1862 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Kanouse, Luther C. | 06/29/1842 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Kelly, William D. | 11/26/1865 | 5 |
1895 - 1896 (House) 1897 - 1898 (House) 1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (Senate) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) |
Kerr, Angus Walter | 05/24/1873 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Kidder, Charles B. | 03/04/1848 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Kirk, William | 05/12/1844 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Laflamboy, Charles H. | 05/12/1856 | 3 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) |
Lafler, Warren Brainerd | 02/12/1845 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Lane, John | 04/12/1843 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Lockerby, William H. | 02/24/1859 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (Senate) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) |
Loeser, Hugo Charles | 10/20/1858 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (Senate) |
Loomis, Robert B. | 09/25/1832 | 3 |
1897 - 1898 (Senate) 1899 - 1900 (Senate) 1901 - 1902 (Senate) |
Lowrey, Berry John | 02/26/1859 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Lugers, Luke | 02/02/1853 | 3 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) 1907 - 1908 (Senate) |
Marks, Herman | 06/03/1873 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Martindale, Frederick C. | 12/18/1865 | 3 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1905 - 1906 (Senate) 1907 - 1908 (Senate) |
Mason, George Talbot | 02/02/1842 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) |
McCall, Lyman Hakes | 08/31/1860 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) |
McCallum, George P. | 03/27/1871 | 6 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) 1937 - 1938 (Senate) 1939 - 1940 (Senate) 1941 - 1942 (Senate) 1943 - 1944 (Senate) |
McFarlane, Duncan | 03/16/1869 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
McKay, WilliamJr. | 09/09/1840 | 5 |
1889 - 1890 (House) 1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) 1905 - 1906 (House) 1907 - 1908 (Senate) |
McMullen, Daniel P. | 09/08/1852 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (Senate) 1901 - 1902 (Senate) |
Mick, John | 08/26/1841 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Monroe, James Smith | 12/29/1855 | 5 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) 1905 - 1906 (House) 1907 - 1908 (House) 1909 - 1910 (House) |
Moore, Franklin | 09/06/1845 | 3 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) 1917 - 1918 (House) |
Moore, George W. | 04/12/1859 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (Senate) 1901 - 1902 (Senate) |
Murdoch, John J. | 09/29/1847 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Murfin, James Orin | 01/07/1875 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (Senate) |
Murphy, Christopher | 07/26/1842 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Nash, Edward P. | 02/27/1846 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Neal, Frank S. | 09/21/1862 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Nevins, Bartlett A. | 06/01/1854 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Nichols, George E. | 08/08/1861 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (Senate) |
Nims, Jerome W. | 09/28/1839 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (Senate) |
Osborn, Frank A. | 12/21/1852 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Palmer, Ambrose E. | 08/05/1849 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (Senate) |
Perkins, John J. | 12/14/1827 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Pierson, William S. | 11/29/1872 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (Senate) |
Powell, Herbert Ernest | 04/27/1866 | 4 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) 1913 - 1914 (Senate) 1915 - 1916 (Senate) |
Randall, Edmond S. | 10/16/1845 | 3 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Read, J. Herbert | 01/24/1858 | 7 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) 1905 - 1906 (House) 1925 - 1926 (House) 1927 - 1928 (House) 1929 - 1930 (House) |
Reed, William Andrew | 03/11/1850 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Rich, Arthur Lawrence | 06/08/1873 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Riegel, John Michael | 12/09/1852 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Robinson, James L. | 01/28/1848 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Robson, John | 08/25/1833 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (Senate) |
Rodgers, Lincoln | 06/02/1866 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Rulison, George W. | 03/07/1834 | 3 |
1897 - 1898 (House) 1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Sanderson, Asa T. | 05/02/1854 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Schumaker, Anthony B. | 06/01/1847 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (Senate) |
Scott, Andrew J. | 12/01/1840 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Seeley, Thaddeus Dewitt | 08/26/1867 | 4 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) 1905 - 1906 (Senate) 1907 - 1908 (Senate) |
Sharpe, Albert Edward | 05/30/1860 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Sleeper, Albert Edson | 12/31/1862 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (Senate) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) |
Smith, Charles | 12/24/1839 | 8 |
1895 - 1896 (House) 1897 - 1898 (House) 1899 - 1900 (Senate) 1901 - 1902 (Senate) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) 1905 - 1906 (Senate) 1907 - 1908 (Senate) 1909 - 1910 (Senate) |
Smith, Gad | 12/26/1845 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (Senate) |
Sovereign, Frederick Ford | 08/27/1846 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (Senate) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) |
Spencer, Newton C. | 06/16/1866 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Stone, Alvah Gardner | 03/02/1853 | 3 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) 1905 - 1906 (House) |
Stumpenhusen, Henry | 08/15/1843 | 2 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Totten, William D. | 10/17/1858 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
VanderCook, Henry Beecher | 08/03/1861 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
VanZoeren, Jacob J. | 05/03/1855 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Wade, Theodosius | 11/14/1858 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Walker, Edward A. | 10/20/1860 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Ward, Newton O. | 11/08/1854 | 4 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) 1909 - 1910 (Senate) 1911 - 1912 (Senate) |
Waterbury, I[saac]. Roy | 10/02/1869 | 3 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) |
Weeks, Augustus W. | 05/27/1850 | 4 |
1893 - 1894 (House) 1895 - 1896 (House) 1901 - 1902 (Senate) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) |
Westover, Frank L. | 12/17/1853 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (Senate) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) |
Weter, James E. | 04/09/1857 | 4 |
1899 - 1900 (House) 1901 - 1902 (House) 1909 - 1910 (Senate) 1911 - 1912 (Senate) |
Wheeler, Charles P. | 08/21/1865 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Whitaker, Byron C. | 05/30/1835 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Willis, George W. | 08/18/1859 | 1 | 1901 - 1902 (House) |
Willis, Mark | 02/29/1832 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |
Wright, Henry D. | 10/15/1857 | 2 |
1901 - 1902 (House) 1903 - 1904 (House) |